Posts Tagged ‘non-profit leadership’

Ep 2 – Brian Hawkins, CEO, DC VA Medical Center on Cultivating Excellence

Wednesday, March 9th, 2016

Brian Hawkins was told he wasn’t smart enough to work as a hospital payroll technician. Urged by a mindset instilled by his family “You can do, you must do and you will do” and driven to change the medical system that treated his grandfather poorly Brian persisted to eventually to become the Director of the DC Veteran Affairs Medical Center. You’ll hear just how much Brian’s parents (and children) have taught him about leadership all throughout this interview.

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Kismet Reflections

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Five months, one HUGE event and almost $140K later everyone wants to know how it feels to have Kismet for Kidsave behind me.  To be honest, I spent the last three weeks trying to figure it out.  Amazed.  Relieved.  Moved.  Grateful.  Proud.  Wistful that it’s over.  But until our videographer Will stuck a camera in […]

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