Five months, one HUGE event and almost $140K later everyone wants to know how it feels to have Kismet for Kidsave behind me. To be honest, I spent the last three weeks trying to figure it out. Amazed. Relieved. Moved. Grateful. Proud. Wistful that it’s over. But until our videographer Will stuck a camera in my face at the airport and asked me that question, I just couldn’t say.
As I watched eight little miracles from Columbia being showered with attention and adoration by their American host families, it just hit me – I feel blessed! Blessed to have connected with the most incredible, generous, kind people I’ve ever met; to have learned so much about myself through a project I couldn’t have felt more passionate about; and to have finally witnessed the enormous, life-altering impact that some kindness, generosity and passion can create.
Want to see the precious faces whose lives will change because of people like you? Click here!
As I am still processing what has happened and harvesting all the incredible lessons learned, I wanted to share with you the letter I wrote for the event program right before the fundraiser. Reading it now, it’s amazing that I still feel the same – so just in case you were unable to make it (or were too busy enjoying the phenomenal event to read the program)…
“Dear Kismet friends,
It’s so infrequently these days that we’re moved to tears by inspiring – rather than heartbreaking – stories. It’s even rarer that we are compelled by these stories to tirelessly put our time, energy, resources and reputation on the line and do something – anything – to make a difference. It was four months ago that I heard Terry Baugh’s story of adopting children in Russia, an experience that forever changed her life and that of 2,700 Kidsave children… and mine.
I must admit, I had NO idea what I was getting into when I first met with Terry. I thought I’d volunteer for a few hours in the summer or maybe host a small event through YES!Circle. But somehow I walked away three hours later, completely in love with Kidsave and having committed to raise over $50K.
So how does someone who has never chaired a fundraiser (and already runs two businesses) turn a neat concept into a real-life event in under four months? I’d like to say that it was natural brilliance, strategic savvy and superb time-management skills… But to be perfectly truthful, all credit tonight belongs to the unbelievable talent, relentless energy and unwavering dedication of an extraordinary group of individuals – the Kismet committee and volunteers!
To you and everyone who has so generously given in time, money, expertise and inspiration – including our slightly-neglected family and friends – I thank you from the bottom of my heart! And to Terry, Randi and everyone at Kidsave who has devoted your lives to saving children across the globe… I thank you for the opportunity to be stretched beyond limit, to ask for (and get) the seemingly impossible, to reconnect with my own life purpose and to experience the most magical kind of Kismet!
Margarita Rozenfeld
CEO, Incite International & YES!Circle
2009 Kismet for Kidsave Chair”
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