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January 10th, 2014

First of all, happy New Year and welcome to 2014! I hope it will become your most fulfilling, lucrative, successful and joyful year yet!

I am really not sure what happened to 2013 or my resolution to consistently post interesting, entertaining and insightful posts to this blog. I believe this is proof, once again, that resolutions don’t work for most human beings with 1) a life 2) a million other important priorities 3) way more interests – and good intentions – than time! Therefore, I am changing my strategy (and thinking) and seeing what evolves in ’09.

One of my favorite people and thinkers is author and speaker Steve Shapiro. He frequently writes about this phenomena of committing to goals and either not keeping them and/or feeling bad for adjusting course along the way. I enjoyed his article on the topic and thought I’d share.

So, my 2014 intention – rather than resolution, mind you – for the Incite Leadership Blog is to share with you whatever I find interesting, thought-provoking, note-worthy or inspiring. No pressure, no expectations, just share what comes to mind. And, in case I don’t say it enough, million thanks for keeping me inspired to keep my intentions alive, on and off-line! I look forward to “hearing” your voices this year!

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– thank you so much!

1 Comment

  1. smshapiro comment:


    Nice to know that after all of these years, you are finally taking some of my advice :-)

    Happy New Year!

    Steve Shapiro

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