Just found out that I was quoted in the Smart CEO Magazine the best way possible – through the kindest, most gracious appreciation email from our charity NFTE, the focus of the interview. It’s wonderful to know that business publications are interested in corporate philanthropy and was thrilled to be included in the article!
In case you’re interested in my ponderings on corporate giving, here the interview:
In tough economic times, corporate giving might seem an attractive line item to cut from the budget. But these generous companies have discovered that giving is often just as valuable for the giver – and not just in a feel-good sort of way. Local CEOs share how their giving strategies benefit both the community
and the business.
Margarita Rozenfeld, CEO, Incite International & YES!Circle
Giving Strategy: We donate about 10 percent of our profits every year to the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship (NFTE). It’s an incredible organization that teaches youth, primarily from economically disadvantaged backgrounds, life and business skills. Since YES!Circle is a community that helps (primarily adult) entrepreneurs attain the skills, resources and connections they need to succeed in business, it only made sense that we’d support an organization like NFTE.
The Benefits: Honestly, I feel like we get even more back from our modest contribution than NFTE does. In addition to being personally fulfilling, corporate giving is extremely important to employee, client and stakeholder morale. When people feel like their efforts result in the community benefiting, not just the business, it creates a lot of good will and loyalty toward the company. It’s also great for PR. People
always comment about seeing us in print or seeing the seal on our newsletter and how proud they are about being involved.
My Advice: I recommend that CEOs choose causes that match their company’s mission and values. Get
everyone involved; it’s important for them to get invested in what the company is doing. And it can’t just be a PR campaign because the public is really sharp – they can tell when it’s not a sincere giving initiative.
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